Monday, January 6, 2014

Eldar WIP: Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal

Today another miniature has called out to me to be painted. It was none other than a conversion for the famed Eldar Spiriseer Iyanna Arienal. I did the conversion based on a Light Elf Mage from Avatars of War. It looked really nice on the website when I ordered it. When I received it, it looked great, but there were a great many details that were really fine, and would prove difficult to paint.
I'm glad I went ahead anyways. With the new Eldar Codex, my Iyanden army would need their Spiritseer on the field of battle.
I used Tausept Ochre as a base paint and then worked it up by adding successive layers of Yriel Yellow.
The fins on her back are from the helm of another Farseer which I converted for my Ulthwe army.
The cloak was from the Templar Knights plastic kit from Fireforge Games. The spear I think is from the Wood Elves Glade Guard sprue.

I've decided to split my Eldar army into half, with the majority of the units going to Ulthwe. The remaining Wraith models will be for my Iyanden Army.

The army list will look something like this at 1750 points:

1 Spiritseer
Faolchu's Wing

6 Wraithguard
1 Wave Serpent

6 Wraithguard
1 Wave Serpent

5 Rangers (more if I can squeeze in)

1 Helmlock Wraithfighter

3 Wraithkingihts
(1 Scatterlasers each)

Yup, that should be it. Small, Elite and themed. And sporting some nice firepower. How will it play out? I'm not sure. Probably not too well as it does have far too few units. But its a fluffy force I envision an Eldar Spirit Stone Hunt would consist of.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. Nice conversion. I'm sad she didn't actually make the Iyanden supplement. Though I guess you can give a Spiritseer the Spear of Tuethlas and call it good. Why the Scatter Lasers on the Wraithknights?

  2. @Spellduckwrong

    Thanks lots! Yea, Iyanna was one of the main Iyanden characters, would have loved to see her given some rules. Was looking forward to a new rendition of her Armor of Vaul. But you are right, the Spear of Teuthlas is there. I might give her that instead. I added the Scatterlasers for some more volume of fire. In case I need to target a group of guardsmen or termagants, I got more shots. But that third weapon is expensive though..
