The art on the box looks quite attractive and there is even a short spiel on the Amazons on the right of the box. The Amazon Warriors are sculpted by Tim Barry.
First Amazon
Below is the very first Amazon I assembled post haste :) I am very impressed with the sculpt and detail on the model.
Other views of the assembled model. The armor and muscles are really well defined. There is also detail on the inner side of the shield. The shield itself is a really neat piece as well with a clear smooth front that just invites freehand work for the painter. The chest plate itself has really good detail. You can actually see the sculpted abs on the chest piece. The leg guards are also nicely patterned.
Above is a clearer pic the torso and legs that come as one piece. The arms, heads and weapons are all separate pieces with a many options for poses.

On the left is a pic of the heads as they arrive on the sprue. There are at least 10 different heads, all with really good detail and facial expressions.
Here are some of the Amazon Warriors assembled. I added a GW Wood Elf archer for scale and comparison.
I would definitely recommend getting a box or two (I got 4!) of the Amazon Warriors if you are into Greek themed armies for your games. I've been pretty impressed with the line of miniatures from Wargames Factory and look forward to their future offerings.
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