But there is a growing number that are finding positive things to add to their lists. I personally feel the Nids are not overpowered, but rather fun instead :)
I'll start with my favourite unit, The Genestealers! I love these guys, more so after I have converted them using the Xenomorph heads from Chapterhouse.
I'll be going with the concept of FULL Infiltration on this one. All lists are at 1850 points which is what my gaming group is playing at.
(Deathleaper giving a Genestealer the Hive Five)
Genestealers List 1850HQ
1 Deathleaper
The model I converted for Deathleaper above. I absolutely have to field him as I think he can still work very well especially against units using lots of Leadership
tests like IG Commanders with their Orders and Eldar Farseers with their Psychic Powers.
15 Genestealers
15 Genestealers
15 Genestealers
15 Genestealers
10 Genestealers
10 Genestealers
2 Broodlords
I will be uppgrading to add 2 Broodlords. I'm considering adding them to the smaller Genestealer units as this will make the opponent have to choose whether to whittle down the bigger broods,
or shoot the broods with the Broodlord. I will be giving them 2 Biomorph upgrades as well, namely Acid Blood (for my Xenomorph army fluff) and Regeneration. Expensive, but I feel they do
synergise well together. If he takes a wound, the Acid Blood can be a good source of reprisal if the enemy fails the Initiative test. And if the Broodlord Regens the wound lost, I can do it again!
2 Lictors
I'll be adding 2 more Lictors cos they are such great Infiltrators and distraction hehe! Plus as Nid players on the interwebs say, Licots really do synergise with Mawloc deep strikes. Opponents will
probably be shooting to get rid of them. But then they will not be shooting as much at the Genestealers.
Heavy Support
2 Mawlocs
The Mawlocs go well with the Infiltrating/ Deep Strike theme, and their Deep Strike effects can be hilarious.
And thats my 1850 points Genestealer list, with 10 points left over. This army does not do well against weaponary that ignores cover.
But at least it will prove to be a really fast game for me as my troops die ahaha...
Xenomorph Assault List
(The Screamer Killer flexing his muscles, Carniflexing!)
This version is a rush up there in the face list. I have been converting my stash of (LARGELY IGNORED) Hormagaunts or Gaunts. I guess Gants have been rising in popularity of usage since the last and also current edition due
to their synergy with Tervigons. But I am determined to use these guys (so that that conversion effort is not wasted....)
1 Flyrant (TL-Brain Leech Devourers)
Hive Commander
1 Flyrant (TL-Brain Leech Devourers)
I just auto include them first cos they are still so effective. So many high strength shots from a Flying monstrosity!
20 Gaunts
20 Gaunts
20 Gaunts
I spent quite a bit of time xenomorphing these as well. Plus their speed is great for the assault.
3 Venomthropes
I saw a battle report on Blue Table Painting and one of Shawn's opponents was using the Venomthropes. The Shrouded is just awesome!
2 Zoanthropes
For the Synapse I guess. Plus they are still one of the coolest looking models in the Tyranids army.
Fast Attack
1 Harpy
Cos I bought the model and have been wanting to field it for a while. It could provide the opponent more flying monstrous targets too.
Heavy Support
3 Carnifexes (2 with Twin Linked Brainleech Devourers, 1 with 2 Scything Talons)
I wanted to field my old Carnifex as well as the new ones. The old Carni with 2 scything talons will be in front absorbing enemy fire cos his the cheapest in points while the other 2 behind follow closely and shoot at anything in range.
They will be a unit the opponent will be hard pressed to ignore.
2 Mawlocs
Even more monstrous targets. Goes well with Flyrant's Hive Commander and Deep Strike hilarity.
I think this list comes up to 1850 exactly.
Xenomorph Breeder List
This is another list inspired by the people on the interwebs. There are many who feel the Tervigon is still very viable. I was glad to hear it as I converted 2 last year in Xenomorph style. It would have been sad not to include them on the battlefield.
("How did you get your figure back so soon? You look so slim!"- what one Tervigon said to the other)
1 Flyrant (TL-Brain Leech Devourers)
1 Flyrant (TL-Brain Leech Devourers)
Just the wings and the TL-BLD this time. Nothings in reserve so no need for Hive Commander. Lowers the points cost a bit.
3 Venomthropes
These will provide much needed cover to the large number of Gants and their newborn brothers as the battle progresses.
1 Tervigon
1 Tervigon
These ladies are naked, no upgrades at all.
30 Gants
30 Gants
The 30 gants are needed to field Tervigons as Troops. Plus they do fill up the board with their presence. I also Xenomorphed these guys.
Fast Attack
1 Harpy
Again cos I bought the model haha!
Heavy Support
3 Carnifexes (all with TL-BLD)
A powerful shooting unit with good toughness. High threat :)
I got 40 points leftover from 1850 limit. May throw in Regen, or even Old Adversary one of the Flyrants.
So there we have it. March on Xenomorphs!