I went down to the local GW today for the launch of their Finecast minis. Also managed to get a game of 40K in! Nice!
Seriously Brief BatrepI was using a Flesh Tearers list versus a Blood Angels list. It was closely fought.
His list as i remembered:
10 man Tac Multimelta, Sgt with Power fist Plasmagun
Rhino10 man Tac Plasmagun, Missile launcher, Sgt with Power swordRhino10 man Assault (Jump pack) Infernus, Sgt with Power weaponStorm Raven Hurricane Bolters, Plasmacannon, MultimeltaMine was:
Chief Librarian Phoston 2**pts (counts as Mephiston) ElitesFurioso Librarian Dreadnought 175ptsSmoke launchers, Storm BolterTroops
Assault Squad 260pts
10 Marines (1 Meltagun, 1 Flamer, Sgt w/Powerfist)
Rhino (Extra Armor/ Smoke Launchers)Tactical Squad 205pts
10 Marines
(1 Plasmagun, 1 Missile Launcher) Sgt with Powerfist
Tactical Squad 110pts
5 Marines
(1 Meltagun) Sgt with Power weapon
Grand Total: 1000pts
I wasn't allowed to use the cool converted Mephiston counts as in store, and my opponent graciously loaned me his for the game haha!
The game setup was table quarters with 3 objectives.
Mephiston killed his 10 man Assault Squad and managed to wound the Sanguinor twice before going down. I also lost the 10 man Tac to shooting and assault.
I managed to luckily wreck his Storm Raven on Turn 3 and my Furioso Dreadnaught tied up/ got tied up with the Sanguinor who was on his last wound.
We both held an objective each and we contested the remaining one. My 5 man Tac squad held one objective in the open while opponent held his in a building. The contested objective had his 10 man Tac vs my 10 man Assault Squad. The game ended there with a roll of a 2 on Turn 5.
It was a really fun game and we had quite a few laughs. Really enjoyed the game!
I later realized he was using his tourney 1250 point list. I could have added my Death Company guys, they may have made the difference....or not ;P
New Stuff!After being caught up in the excitement, I bought a Wood Elf Lord with Great Weapon made from the new resin materiel. I must say I'm really impressed by the quality of the resin. Was kinda skeptical at first, but now I'm sold :)

I'll be using him as he is, i.e. a Wood Elf Lord. The clean crispness of the mini allows me to clean up the model better as I can see where the extra bits I'll need to trim off.

The packaging is also sealed in, so you would need scissors or hobby knife to cut it open.

A closer view of the fine miniature. I'm pretty happy that it will not chip the paint once its on, and its really really light as well.
There were alot of other miniatures I saw done resin as well. I saw the Farseer with Warlocks box set, the Marneus Calgar with Bodyguard, Chaos Raptors box set and Plague Marines box set as well as other Space Marine characters. They included The Emperor's Champion, Terminator Libby and Hive Guard.
Have a happy weekend all!