Friday, December 30, 2011

Necron WIPs

Firstly a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to All!

I gave in and bought a Necron Ghost Ark for Christmas :) My gaming buddy Jaeroler had gifted me with a Catacomb Command Barge. And i really wanted to do it justice as its the ride of a Necron king (which kinda reminded me of Santa's sleigh during this festive season lol!).

So anyways i got the Ghost Ark as it would also serve as a 'practice' piece. I also figured that if i used the Command Barge by its lonesome, it would be the only vehicle in my Necron army. Thus i added the Ghost Ark for some distraction..

Oh! The Ghost Ark seriously took a BIT of WORK to assemble!

I plan to paint each segment separately just so i can reach into the interior parts of the model. I used mainly Dark Angels Green mix with Scorpion Green for highlights.

I added some 'circuit board' designs on the surface so it wouldn't look too bland ;)

Here's the rest of the Ghost Ark, all primed.

The long weekend approaches! I wish everyone a joyful and relaxing time with friends and family.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Floaty Things

Got another Onryo painted up!

Still some highlights here and there to be done. This one is drifting a bit more to her left. If i squint me eyes, she looks a tad tipsy haha! But seriously, I do like the Onryo minis as they incorporate a sense of movement into the sculpt.

Not too sure if the Onryo all walk on twinkle toes, got a lot of footwork to be done if they are. But i think they just float along lookin' for the unwary to scare ;)

A clearer shot at the base. Also done using strips of green stuff.

Kirai and her Gals!

The Netherworld's fashion this year is orange and turquoise hehe!

2 more days to the weekend...i can almost taste it...wooo~~

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! Christmas beckons :)))

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December Dues

Or rather overdues ;) Have been really busy of late transitioning back to work and also having to think a lot about family stuff. Did not have much time painting or modeling. Which is why i'm not surprised if my blog is being haunted by the Ghost of Non-Hobbying hehehe!

I found some time this weekend to paint up my one solitary miniature. She's the Onryo mini from Malifaux. My gaming, which i have not seen much of in a while, is playing Malifaux much more these days. I'm trying to get more stuff painted and hoping to participate in the next gaming session :)

The Onryo

I painted her in the colors same as Kirai.

Side view. She's got a petite purple fan, not sure how's she going to use it as a weapon in games haha!

Other side view. I added a small skull from Warhammer Fantasy at the base.

Back view. I glued her leaning forward slightly.

A clearer view of the bamboo base which was done using strips of greenstuff.

Necron Updates
Want to say a big THANK YOU to my gaming buddy JaeRoler for the gift :))

Its an awesome model and i'm almost done building it up. Will hope to proceed to my next fav part which is the painting!

More views of the Catacomb Command Barge.

Have not added the Necron Lord yet. Still thinking of the color scheme.

Eldar Conversions!

Also did up some Eldar Warlock on Jetbike conversions. All still WIP though...

I used the Silver Helms boxset and combined it with Eldar Guardian and Jetbikes :)

Got 5 Warlocks here. I've mostly finished converting the Farseer on Jetbike.

So there we have it. My first post in the month of December, dedicated to the loss of November's hobbying. Also hoping my painting skills have not deteriorated too much hehe!

I wish you all a great weekend and in case I go missing in action again, A Very Blessed & Joyful Christmas ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vlad von Carstein

I was re-looking at my stash of Warhammer Fantasy stuff and came across the Vampire Counts character miniatures of Vlad and Isabella.

Also discovered i still have a force of Undead buried under my boxes. The inventory taking saw me digging up the following:-

Vlad and Isabella

55 Zombies

20 Dire Wolves

20 Ghouls

4 Fell Bats

1 Varghulf

And some skeletons in a box.

Added to this is a recent purchase of the new monstrous Terrorgheist :)
This has also motivated me to paint up my first von Carstein.

So here he is, my version of The Aristocracy of the Night's most infamous Lord Vlad.

Front view. This is the older, more classic miniature of Vlad. I painted him in reds and blues, my color choices subconsciously influenced by Ravenloft's vampire lord- Strahd von Zarovich.

Wanted to go with purples initially, but was afraid he would turn out too much like The Count from Sesame Street lol!

Side view. Vlad shows off the legendary Carstein Ring.

Vlad posing menancingly with his sword Blooddrinker.

Back view. He's got a nice mane of long black hair hehe!

Still gots some highlights to do, but he's mostly done. Finished him today at 1:30 am. Will be moving on the paint up Isabella next ;)

Have a good weekend all!

And sleep tight ;P

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Glade Guard

After reviewing my Wood Elves list, i decided to make it more shooty. I'll be adding more Glade Guard to boost the amount of arrows in the sky :)

Already ran out of the old Glade Guard models so i had to use the ones from the new range. There's a lot more detail on the new Glade Guard model.

I still quite like the color scheme of the old Glade Guards. Plus most of my original Glade Guards were painted in the same yellow-brown and green scheme. I tried to bring it over to the new ones as well.

The cloaks are really cool! and the pose is really dynamic!

The first of many. He's my test model. I kinda like how he turned out. Well 20 more to go haha!
I currently have 50 archers including the old single posed minis. Hope to complete painting the army by mid next year by my current rate of painting ;))

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Hive Mind Stirs...

I've done some packing to my miniature collection and came across my really old Tyranids..again. They looked accusingly at me for putting them in stasis. I did an inventory of my Tyranids and made an attempt to see if i could scrounge up enought points to bring them to 1750 pointage that my gaming group is playing at.

A quick check yielded the following bug count:

1 Hive Tyrant armed with Venom Cannon and Scything Talons

2 Tyrant Guard

5 Tyranid Warriors (1 with Venom Cannon & 4 with Deathspitters) All with a set o' Scything Talons

2 Zoanthropes

2 Biovores

1 Lictor

1 Carnifex (with 2 sets of Scything Talons)

19 Genestealers

30 'Gaunts

40 'Gants

I also wanted to try if i could squeeze in all the different 'Nid minis into a 1750 list. I wanted some variety in-game.

Have come up with the following list:

Ye Olde Tyranids- The Forgotten (by me heheh!)

1 Hive Tyrant 220pts
Hive Commander, Heavy Venom Cannon, 1 set o' Scything Talons

2 Tyrant Guard 130pts
Lash whips upgrade

2 Zoanthropes 120pts

1 Lictor xxpts

30 Gants 150pts

10 Gants 50pts (these are from old starter set. I forgot the name)

27 Gaunts 162pts

9 Genestealers with Broodlord 218pts
Broodlord has Acid Blood, Implant attack and a set o' Scything Talons

10 Genestealers 140pts (old plastic blue ones)

5 Tyranid Warriors 185pts
1 Venom Cannon and 4 Deathspitters, all with a set o' Scything Talons

Heavy Support
Carnifex 220pts
Bio Plasma, 2 sets o' Scything Talons, in a Mycetic Spore (Mycetic Spore bought from Taka toy fair)

2 Biovores 90pts (I look forward to painting the Spore Mines)

So that is actually 1750pts on the money :) Not too sure how this will work out in game, but i think its gonna be fun to play!

Its got all the different models in there and i don't really have to buy any new models. Well ..maybe a Broodlord, but i could just use the one from Space Hulk.

That felt good! Another complete (for now) army back into the fold lol!

Woohoo! Double posts in a day! Its been a while ;)

Comments welcome on strategies for the list.

Lady with Blades

I'm currently on medical leave because of an ingrown toenail incident. The 3 injections needed to numb my toe did not work too well. I felt a goodly part of the pain. Its not something i want to experience again. But the doctor was really professional and tried his best to end the procedure fast and clean :)

So i have some time and decided to paint up the last Viktoria. Hope the owner likes it ;)

Front view. She's done in the red and gold again as requested. Putting her together was a bit of a hassle, and painting her was fun but a tad challenging due to the small strap like clothing she has on.

Side view of the twin swords.

Other side view.

Back view. Just some more highlights are cleaning up the lines, but she's mainly done.

Sisters in Arms

The Viktorias: Bounty Hunter & Sword Mistress!

And i shall finish the post with a quote:

"In thee my soul shall own combined the sister and the friend."
by Catherine Killigrew

Take care all! For the weekend is just around the corner :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lady in Red

Howdy all! No updates in a bit with the same old reason. Lots of work, too tired to paint. But the fires of hobbying still burn strong apparently :)

Painted up one of the Viktorias from Malifaux for gaming buddy Jaeroler. She was quite fun to paint and i kept in mind the fluff that Jaeroler wrote as well as his request for a red and gold scheme.

I tried to stay true to the original scheme as well as adding bits of gold to the mini. I though the black contrasted well with the gold on a backdrop of her red coat.

Other profile view of Viktoria with the silverish hair.

View of the sword.

Rear view.


I finally painted the basic white for all the Terminator helmets. Next step will either be the eye lenses or the chest plates. Good thang BTs are majority in black armor.

I added a Sgt with a bionic face plate to break up the monotony of white helmets.

The Termi Sgt from Black Reach will be this Squad's Sgt.

em4 Troopers
My order of Troopers for my Ultraman Army came in from em4 Miniatures. They have excellent minis with good detail and very reasonable prices!

I got 10 packs of 5 for a total of 50 men. They represent the Science Patrol soldiers of the Ultraman movies. In game, they will be my counts as Pink Horrors hehehe! Will also field 2 GD as Ultraman. Likely one Tzeentch and one Khorne :P

Thats all for the week folks! I wish u all a good October ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend WIPs

This weekend has been a really fast one again. The end of a weekend feels like the chill of winter coming, but without the Christmas-sy feeling.

I did get some hobbying done, as well as other interesting distractions.


I finally got down to assembling the Viktorias fromj Malifaux. These are a friend's models and i plan to paint them up real soon. The irony of the difficulties in assembly cannot be better expressed by the two sisters.

The sister on the left was easy to assemble. Actually no assembly needed lol! I just glued her to the base. The one on the right was a bit of a pain to put together. The hand joints are so small i could not do much pinning. And she's kinda floating above the base at the moment hehe!

A Japanese Castle
I went to Taka on the weekend and got this foam architecture set for cheap. They were having toy sale again :)

The instructions were clear and i did not break too many of the joints :P

The model is that of the Himeji-Jo Castle in Japan. Its one of the oldest castles and i think its really beautiful.

Other view of the model. It looks like a real nice place to live.

I also got meself 2 Ultraman figures. They are for a mad project i'm planning to do up using my leftover miniatures. Below are Ultraman Powered on the left and Ultraman Great in the right. I hope to make my next proxy army great and powerful muahaha!

I'll be proxying an Ultraman themed army. Will be using leftover Imperial Guardsmen and Karskin to represent the Science Patrol dudes. As the Science Patrol have Superguns, i'll be using them as counts as Pink Horrors of Tzeentch :) The Ultramen will be my Lord of Change.

I'm dangerously bored from being too tired to paint due to work commitments...

Somethang 40K!
I've been kinda workin' on my Fantasy Wood Elves army as my gaming group is playing more Fantasy these days. But i've gone back to give my Black Templars some TLC.

Am working on my group of 7 Assault Terminators. Gonna paint up all the white areas of the models first. Then slowly work my work to the rest of the details. Also got 10 Shooty Termis to work on after that. Am making a Termi heavy army- The Sword of Sigismund!

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend! All the best for the next week all!