I have managed to recall the scattered remnants of my Empire army. And they are almost here at full strength! All are assembled except for my 5 Pistoliers (still in box lol).
I assembled my Halberdiers just today. They were a bit of a pain to rank up.
As all of the models were painted 3 or more years ago, i am really tempted to repaint them. But they are just sooooo many! Fantasy does seem to have much more models..

The list is as follows for 2500pts. Guys you probably need to help check if the percentages are correct. I'm not good at all with all the new rulez ;P
1) 30 Swordsmen
1a)15 Spearmen detachment
1b) 10 Handgunners
2) 30 Swordsmen
2a)15 Spearmen detachment
2b) 10 Handgunners
3) 30 Halberdiers
3a)10 Spearmen detachment
3b) 10 Handgunners
4) 10 Archers
5) 9 Candied Knights
6) 5 Knights Panther
7) 1 Mortar
8) 1 Mortar
9) 1 Cannon
10) ahem...5 Pistoliers
11) Captain (BSB)
12) Warrior Priestess on Horse
13) Empire General
14) Battle Wizard (lvl2)
My characters come up to 578pts. The Core Units are 1555pts. The Specials are 364pts.
Da Fluff!I had built this army with inspiration from the struggles of humanity against the undead in the Von Carstien Trilogy by Steven Savile. My vampire hunters army hails from frosty regions of Middenland and Middenheim. This is because the Middenheimers have fought against the undead and lost much, especially the Knights of the White Wolf.
The army was oriented towards taking out zombie and skellie hordes. It may still work in 8th Edition...emphasis on may..LOL!
I also painted up a lot of characters to represent the heroes and heroines who have joined the cause. This also gave rise to the formation of The Council of Light. I hope to give a rundown on the characters and their secret headquarters of Daystar Keep in the near future.
Thats all for today ;)